Програмски задаци
To fulfill its objectives, the Association declares the Program, providing suggestions or incentives through all its activities and operations:
Influencing or creating conditions for appropriate evaluation of creativity, professional knowledge, efficiency and work of experts in this field, according to the presented knowledge and results achieved;
Pooling of experts, based on adequate forms of permanent education through courses, workshops and other activities, contributing to new knowledge and skills, generated by the science and practice in the country and abroad;
Organizing scientific and professional gatherings to present the state of the art in science, technology, modern gas practice and related sciences and fields of operation, to evaluate the results achieved, or to test initiated ideas or procedures, to exchange technical opinions, suggestions and evaluations independently, or on demand of other bodies or organisations;
Organizing activities regarding information and publishing, to the interest of the membership and organization;
Organizing presentations, exhibits and similar activities aiming to exchange of information and utilization of modern technics and technology towards increasing work efficiency, economical and rational energy use, environmental protection, utilization of new equipment and materials;
Training and professional (technical) qualification of those operating with gas and gas equipment, based on the authorization of competent institutions;
Representing and protecting the interests and rights of its members, of the branch, the science and gas technics in the country and worldwide, on its own initiative or at the request of the membership;
Developing international cooperation with allied organisations and other institutions of interest for the membership, science and gas technology practice, according to the principles and interests of the country.
Towards fulfilling these goals the Association is authorized to provide the following appropriate technical services on behalf of its membership or others, according to the law:
Advertising in the Associations' journal or publications;
Services in the field of research and development of gas and gas technology;
Project and study revisions, when they are of interest and when the technical opinion (neutral with respect to the financial effect) is needed;
Other similar professional services regarding design of studies, forwarding informations etc.