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Међународна сарадња

Часопис >ГАС<

Научно-стручни скупови

Издавачка деланост

Важнији пројекти

2020, No.2





A member of the Gas Association of Serbia and Montenegro – Gas is honest and moral in his work. He stands by the universal ethical and responsible professional work principles, human values and human dignity. He is also ready for dialog and mutual understanding, considers appinion of others and respects equality, is benevolent, communicative, establishs and cherishs open, honest and cooperative relations, full of respect. He sets highly goals of human healthiness, safety, welfare and environmental protection, improves expert knowledge and uses it for the benefit of the individuals, community and the society. Esteeming, preserving and making new values are the goals a member of the Association honourable and responsible invests his professional skills in. A member of the Association cannot be a member of a competitive association.

Fulfilling goals

A member of the Association supports fulfilling its goals. He uses his professional skills and supports that the scientific and professional knowledge exerts influence on decisions relevant to the community, especially in the field of gas industry, pursuant to the goals, mission of the Association and this codex.

Cooperation and exchange of achievements

A Member of the Association obeys the importance of free exchange of scientific and professional information, knowledge and achievements and according to that enables these achievements to be in function of the well being of the people. A member of the Association encourages concurrent cooperation with the relevant domestic and international organizations, institutions and individuals in a way to affirm values and protect interests of the Association.

Natural resources and environmental protection

A Member of the Association rates highly a responsible attitude toward natural resources and the way they are being taped. Through the common professional practice and general attitude in life, he improves living and working environment, disapproves and offers resistance to everything that jeopardize it. In his professional work, he practises expert knowledge and skills, striving towards the safety, health and welfare of human and his natural environment.

Competence, correctness and responsibility

A member of the Association strives in his work and development the permanent education, enabling his own and professional improvement of his colleagues and associates. In his professional and personal striving he acts correctly and within his field. He responsibly creates new values, provides services, gives advices and generally influences positive attitude and fulfilment of the interests of the Association.

Obeying the codex

A Member of the Association is bounded to stand in his professional practise, work and activities in the Association by this codex, explain it integrally in terms of the mission, goals and strategy of the Association. He is aware that the more enormous power of the scientific knowledge is inspired by the high ethical principles, the better it will facilitate welfare of the human and humanity.

Ethical Committee

The assignment of the Ethical Committee is to control conduct and work of Association’s members and manage it according to this codex. The Ethical Committee consists of minimum three members of the Association. These members, during four years mandate, cannot have any other function in the Association.